The demand for fresh produce is everywhere however, 3 million tonnes of fruit & veg are wasted every year.

To help, every week we work with farmers who have leftover fresh produce.

Whether it’s due to over-supply or failing to meet specifications, it’s perfectly tasty produce that is ready to eat.


Not all produce has to look perfect, but it’s more than that.

We live in a world where everything is always available. This means farmers are left with surplus no matter how good a grower they are.

From purple sprouting broccoli to spuds, we supply delicious, tasty produce that would otherwise be destined for landfill or left to rot in fields. We help educate our customers as to what produce is in season and help reduce this waste.


“Did you know, that a third of all food grown is never eaten. County Surplus is our way of supplying fresh sustainable produce daily to our customers. Working with a network of growers we supply the very best produce when it’s in season, helping to reduce waste”

Robert Hurren





Every Friday we notify our customers on what surplus produce is available

Customers then place their orders for the following week

County Surplus orders are delivered as part of our normal delivery service


Get Involved

Whether you have a question about sustainable fresh produce, specific delivery requirements, or indeed, anything else, our County Surplus team is available to answer your questions.